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Email account configuration for Outlook 2010 Print

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Step by Step insctruction to setup your email account with Outlook 2010

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. If this is the first time you've opened Outlook 2010, the Welcome to Outlook 2010 Startup window will appear automatically. Click Next twice and continue to step 2. Otherwise click the File tab, make sure Info is selected from the left menu and click Add Account.
  3. Select Manually configure server settings or additional server types and click Next.
  4. Select Internet E-mail and click Next.
  5. Fill in all necessary fields to include the following information
  6. User Information
    Your Name: Enter your name as you would like it to appear in the From: field of outgoing messages.
    Email Address: Enter your full email address (username@yourdomain.tld)

    Account Type
    From the dropdown menu, select POP3.

    Server Information
    Incoming mail server (POP3): mail.yourdomain.tld (
    Outgoing mail server (SMTP): mail.yourdomain.tld (

    Login Information
    User Name: Enter your full address in the format username@yourdomain.tld
    Password: Enter your email password

  7. Click More Settings... and then click the Outgoing Server tab.
  8. Check the box next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication and select Use same settings as my incoming mail server.
  9. Click the Advanced tab, uncheck the box next to Leave a copy of this message on the server.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Click Test Account Settings... After receiving Congratulations! All tests completed successfully, click Close.
  12. Click Next, and then click Finish.
  13. Download the latest updates for Outlook from Microsoft. This will help prevent the most common Outlook errors.

Congratulations! You're done configuring your client to send and retrieve Email messages.

On a final note, your account is setup on a shared server. Please make sure that your automatic email retrieval frequency is set to a minimum of 5 minutes. Anything quicker than that may cause a temporary ban of you IP address on our server.

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